Sale Price:$20.00 Original Price:$32.00
My Noose Necklace design is inspired by Victorian era fob jewelry. This piece is strung (by hand! These darn tiny beads are challenging. Stringing them teaches one, PATIENCE!) with tiny red translucent seed beads interspersed with 5 iridescent cyan seed beads. Fob is strung with a blood red glass tear drop, 2 opaque black glass beads (from vintage Mardi Gras strand), a fiery red, flaming glass heart, and ceramic aqua bead. At noose slip knot, there is a matching aqua ceramic and an opaque black glass bead. This measures approx. 29" full length and fob hangs down approx. 15" from base of throat, when wound once, around neck. ( “…She ran calling…”) Lyric from “Wildfire” by Michael Martin Murphey
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